Jean-Charles Rochoux is an artist in chocolate. His permanent and temporary collections are a treat for our taste buds. It was with pleasure and indulgence that the Iceberg agency staged this craftman's brand, including his collections for major fashion houses. Visual identity, culinary shoots, a tasting look book, interior architecture and a showcase website form the ingredients of this multi-sensual world.

ICEBERG – LLC (Limited Liability Company - fifty thousand euros of capital)
RCS Paris B441 182 003
SIRET : 4441 182 003 00026
115, rue du Bac - 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 63 15 00
Creation :
Publication manager :
115, rue du Bac - 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 63 15 00
Hosting :
2, rue Kellermann - 59 100 ROUBAIX, France
+33 (0)8 99 70 17 61