The agency accompanied Axa Real Estate Immobilier in the communication strategy of Altiplano, a real estate requalification project in La Défense. Iceberg provides a global communication and is currently unveiling its teasing phase by creating the identity, the story telling and the positioning of the project. The agency has chosen LinkedIn and Instagram as communication media to meet the social challenges. LinkedIn is a reference platform for real estate and allows us to bring Altiplano's positioning to the forefront little by little. Instagram gives the project the opportunity to talk about it and build its reputation while bringing the site to life through artistic photo reports to bring a dreamlike dimension to the project.

ICEBERG – LLC (Limited Liability Company - fifty thousand euros of capital)
RCS Paris B441 182 003
SIRET : 4441 182 003 00026
115, rue du Bac - 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 63 15 00
Creation :
Publication manager :
115, rue du Bac - 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 63 15 00
Hosting :
2, rue Kellermann - 59 100 ROUBAIX, France
+33 (0)8 99 70 17 61